The All People Articles — Sustainability

What’s in Your Makeup?

What’s in Your Makeup?

By: Grace Ippolito You put in a lot of effort to take care of your skin and body-but is your makeup ruining all of your hard work?  Many popular cosmetics contain potentially damaging additives such as fragrances, parabens, and phthalates.Thankfully, as the makeup industry grows more companies are releasing makeup that is “clean” or more naturally based.  It might be time to take another look at your makeup and swap your products for some that are gentler on your skin and your environment. At AllPeople we understand the importance of naturally based cosmetics. Here are some of the cosmetic brands...

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What is Conscious Consumerism?

What is Conscious Consumerism?

Conscious consumerism is the practice of making purchasing decisions that consider the environmental, social, and ethical impacts of the products being consumed. 

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